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Air Quality Improvement With the Air Purifier by Germ Guardian

Air quality improvement with the Germ Guardian
Air Quality Improvement with the Germ Guardian. Removes particulates, contaminants, dust particles, and odor from the air.

I have used multiple different air purifiers and multiple brands of such. The Germ Guardian is a top HEPA filter air purifier. To me, its the best air purifier under 100. Great performance and improvement to air quality for a good price. We love this portable air purifier! I promise you will like this one and see air quality improvement. A HEPA air purifier with great filtration and built-in features, to help you improve indoor air quality. Find on Amazon with my links here.

  • Great for removing pet dander allergens
  • Reduces odors
  • Very quiet tower air filter
  • Kills viruses and germs too, with UV (ultraviolet) light
  • Adjustable fan speed, with 3 speeds
  • Reduces up to 99.97% of air particles
  • Energy star rated, so it’s high efficiency
  • Filter replacement is very easy
  • Purify and promote clean airflow
  • Get rid of pollutants with the activated carbon filter

Get the Germ Guardian here on Amazon for air quality improvement today

Air Quality Improvement By Removing Dander & More

We have gone through multiple air purifiers. We currently use 2 of these germ guardians. My wife is very allergic, to a number of things. A big one is the pet dander allergen. The dander removal by this model makes it the best air purifier for pets. In our bedroom, we would immediately notice some irritants and congestion before using this air purifier. Even trying other models. After using this one, we notice no reaction to intolerances and dander.

Before this air purifier, allergies fatigue was a real issue for us. My wife would have allergic reactions and hives, partly caused by the air quality. Also, we have a hypoallergenic dog that sleeps in the room, and this purifier does a tremendous job of dander removal. It has provided us with better sleep via a huge air quality improvement.

In addition to pet allergies, we live in a higher pollen area and this air purifier helped with that also. Ragweed and hay fever are pretty common intolerances in our area. I feel this is a top rated air purifier because it also handles allergens like these well. This room air purifier removes so many impurities from the air, to reduce indoor air pollution. It will increase the air quality index, or AQI, in your house. Which would help with asthma issues also.

I personally use this for air quality improvement

I personally have this air purifier and love it. In addition to making it easier to breathe, especially where we sleep, it is quieter than other air filters I have used. As it quietly traps contaminants in the air, we then get a better nights sleep. So I wrote this review in case anyone is on the fence or wanted additional information.

Of course, if using my links here to Amazon, I will get a small referral. I believe in transparency on this and must call it out. But I would not recommend this product if I did not think it was a good option and the best choice for an air purifier. This is one of my favorite small home appliances.

Our reviews

Additional info for air quality improvement

  • Great air-cleaning
  • All the air-purification you need
  • Allergy reducing
  • Removes particulate from the air
  • Best air purifiers
  • Clean-air
  • Room-size
  • HEPA air cleaner
  • Highly rated carbon filter
  • Easy replacement filter and tells you with indicator light
  • Whisper quiet
  • Leverage the Germ Guardian with good carpet cleaning
  • Germ Guardian combined with plants improves air quality
  • Great at purifying the air
  • Air filtering that doesnt break the bank
  • Prefilter for larger particles
  • Air purifier review
  • Air-cleaner for less $
  • Home air purifiers
  • Hepa air filter
  • HEPA filtration
  • Great for allergy and asthma help
  • Uv-light helps get rid of airborne viruses, like COVID
  • Helps with respiratory problems and sever allergies
  • Combine the Germ Guardian with your AC filter and air duct cleaning
  • Keep humidity in ideal ranges

After all that, I also want to include a link to more tech deals and how HEPA works. HEPA is the standard for air quality improvement. First, I do not have an affiliation with Ars Technica, but they often have great tech deals. Check out their latest deals here. Next, if you want to know why to use HEPA or how it works, check this out.